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"Cheap, pure heroin set to flood Britain, say police"

A bumper crop of opium poppies in Afghanistan has raised fears that an influx of cheap and dangerously pure heroin could flood the UK within the next few months.

Drug experts have warned that, with the price of a heroin wrap already £20 or less, they are concerned supply will outstrip demand, forcing dealers to try to attract new customers with low prices and create the biggest drug epidemic in the country for 20 years.

Some campaigners are worried there will be a rash of drug-related deaths because the heroin heading for the UK is likely to be stronger and more pure than many users are accustomed to.

"The heroin is heading our way and we have to be prepared for it," warned Tom Wood, former deputy chief constable at Lothian and Borders Police and now chairman of the Edinburgh Drugs and Alcohol Action Team.

"It will be getting cheaper. If enough comes in, then supply will outstrip demand.

"The bigger concern is that it will become more powerful. We're talking about extra strong, pure heroin. If it is pure it will be more dangerous.''

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