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"Iran is being set up for “an unprovoked nuclear attack”"

Professing to be the greater civilization, the intellect is deliberately disassociated, sanity is interned so that greed may proceed and allow the savagery of the greater to prey upon the less. While mankind strives for nobility, there are some among us who contemplate such base decisions that would threaten the existence of another nation. Those same powers who would refute that man is born under one law, and so they bound him by another, targeting him with nuclear weapons.
Alarmed at such baseness, Philip Giarldi, A former CIA officer, in an August 1, 2005 issue of The American Conservative warns that Dick Cheney has issued a request for using tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. More troubling is that the use of nuclear weapons is not conditional on Iran being involved in the act of terrorism against the United States. Otherwise stated, Iran is being set up for “an unprovoked nuclear attack”.

Ms. Rice who is rather smug about having earned herself a major victory by getting everyone on board in referring Iran to the United Nations Security Council, can also invite these same nations to share this crime against humanity. Dr. Jorge Hirsch, professor of physics at UC, San Diego, in his remarkable video emphasizes the consequences of a US nuclear attack on Iran. Each bomb would deliver an incalculable number of corpses, the radiation fallout, both immediate and residual, unparallel in magnitude to the tragedy witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 60 years ago.

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