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"Syria opposition says US funding counterproductive"

DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria's liberal opposition has said it will not accept money from a U.S. offer to fund democratic groups in the country, saying that its credibility would be damaged if it took the cash.

A group of a dozen parties, known as the Damascus Declaration, said on Monday they had enough resources on their own to press ahead with a campaign for peaceful change to end a 40-year monopoly by the Baath Party on power.

"The Damascus Declaration refuses foreign funding, including the $5 million from the U.S. State Department for the Syrian opposition," a statement by the group said.

The United Sates imposed several sanctions on Syria in 2004, accusing Damascus of supporting "terrorism." Two weeks ago it announced a $5 million grant to fund what it called "democratic reformers" in Syria.

A U.S. State Department official said the money was not aimed at opposition or political groups in Syria.

"The funds are there to help civil society groups interested in promoting democracy at large. It is not a promotion of direct political parties or views," he said in response to whether Washington was disappointed with the Syrian opposition response.

Damascus Declaration founding member Hassan Abdel Atheem told Reuters the United States cannot expect popular support for its policy toward Syria while it maintained sanctions against the country.

"Support by international powers for democratic change in Syria is welcome. This does not include financing because it means subordination to the funding country," he said.

"Our project is nationalist, independent democratic change in Syria, not through occupation or economic pressure as we see the United states doing," he said.

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