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"Olmert facing dissent within Kadima over unilateral pullout"

Senior Kadima figures Avi Dichter and Tzachi Hanegbi strongly oppose party leader and Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's vision of further unilateral withdrawals in the West Bank, Army Radio reported Wednesday.

In his first media interview since taking on the job of acting premier, Olmert said Tuesday that Israel "will separate from most of the Palestinian population that lives in the West Bank, and that will obligate us to separate as well from territories where the State of Israel currently is."

"We will gather ourselves into the main settlement blocs and preserve united Jerusalem... Ma'aleh Adumim, Gush Etzion and Ariel will be part of the state of Israel," Olmert told Channel 2 television.

Asked by interviewer Nissim Mishal what he intended to do with the Jordan Valley, Olmert responded: "It is impossible to give up control over Israel's eastern border."

"The direction is clear," he continued. "We are moving toward separation from the Palestinians, toward setting Israel's permanent border."

The radio quoted former Shin Bet director Dichter as saying Wednesday morning that he was "staunchly opposed" to further withdrawals.

Aides to cabinet minister Hanegbi were quoted by the radio Wednesday as saying that he was also opposed and would continue to oppose Olmert's vision of additional unilateral withdrawals.

In the interview, Olmert declined to offer any further details, and in particular failed to mention settlements such as Hebron, Beit El and Ofra, which Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had viewed as part of the settlement blocs that Israel would retain.

"The Olmert plan for further unreciprocated withdrawals was exposed last night despite his efforts to camouflage it, fudge it and not say anything," said Likud MK Gilad Erdan in response to Olmert's interview.

"After the head of the Shin Bet [Yuval Diskin] warned against giving additional territory to Palestinian terror without any quid pro quo, Olmert continues to speak in a way that is detached from reality."

"The public certainly notices that in the same day in which Olmert approves a negative, personal campaign against Netanyahu, he dares speak out against 'a culture of personal insult', by means of which he reached the pinnacle," Erdan said.

Olmert also reiterated that the road map peace plan would remain the basis for any diplomatic negotiations with the Palestinians.

Regarding Iran, Olmert said: "The less we talk about Iran, and the more we coordinate international action as we have done with the United States and Europe, the better." He also thanked U.S. President George Bush for pledging to defend Israel against any attack by Iran, terming this "the closest thing to an announcement of a military alliance with Israel."

Earlier Tuesday, Olmert toured the separation fence around Jerusalem and Gush Etzion, and pledged that "we will make an enormous effort this year to finish the fence as quickly as possible."

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