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"Iran Said to Have Nuclear Warhead Plans"

VIENNA, Austria - The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said in a report Tuesday that Iran obtained documents and drawings on the black market that serve no other purpose than to make an atomic warhead. Tehran warned of an "end of diplomacy" if plans to refer it to the U.N. Security Council are carried out.

Iran 'has bomb and trying to make more'
01/29/06 "Gulf News" -- -- Dubai: A well-known US nuclear proliferation and terrorism expert told Gulf News yesterday that Tehran not only has the nuclear bomb, it is seeking to "duplicate them in large numbers before revealing their existence to the world".

Mansoor Ijaz said, "Iran has a functional nuclear device stored, like the Pakistanis did for nearly a decade, in component parts at multiple locations to justify its publicly declared stance of 'nuclear ambiguity' until Tehran can replicate the nuclear fuel cycle and duplicate components reliably needed to manufacture a diverse array of nuclear devices."

This, he says, requires patience and time, and underscores the delay tactics seen with increasing frequency by Tehran regarding their nuclear agenda.

Speaking exclusively to Gulf News while on a brief visit to the region, Ijaz, an American financier of Pakistani ancestry whose partners include former CIA Director James Woolsey and retired US Air Force Generals James Abrahamson and Tom McInerney, warned: "Iran is committed to expanding and supplying its global 'jihadist' network with tactical nuclear capabilities, ranging from dirty radiological devices to electromagnetic pulse devices or 'electron bombs', in order to redress what Tehran sees as a growing geostrategic imbalance aligned against its interests."

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