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""Fixed" Intelligence from Feith's "Gestapo Office,""

...Finally, who can forget Donald Rumsfeld's claim, made two days later, "that American intelligence had 'bulletproof' evidence of links between al Qaeda and the government of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq." 127 And speaking as though the February 2002 DIA report didn't exist, Rumsfeld asserted: "We have what we consider to be very reliable reporting of senior-level contacts going back a decade, and of possible chemical- and biological-agent training."128

"American intelligence" did not have "bulletproof" evidence. In fact, "American intelligence," construed to mean the established Intelligence Community funded by and responsible to the U.S. Congress, found no "bulletproof" evidence linking Saddam Hussein to al Qaeda.

Instead it was "un-American intelligence," that supported the "bulletproof" evidence claimed by Rumsfeld. And it was "un-American intelligence" about Iraq's links to al Qaeda that was used by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice to beat the drums for war on the eve of the Congressional vote.

The "un-American intelligence" came from a rogue intelligence cell set up by a leading member of the Bush administration's war party, Saddam-obsessed Paul Wolfowitz, who believed Mossad's biased intelligence and not American intelligence. And it was headed by Feith, who General Tommy Franks called "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth," and whose primary loyalty was to Israel (see Notes number 37 and 66.)

Inspired by Mossad, Feith's rogue intelligence cell appears to have solicited, reexamined, digested and regurgitated evidence from the programmed liars put forward by Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress - evidence that the Intelligence Community already had considered, before dismissing as unreliable. Then, as Seymour Hersh has noted: "A routine settled in: the Pentagon's defector reports, classified 'secret,' would be funneled to newspapers, but subsequent analyses of the reports by intelligence agencies - scathing but also classified - would remain secret."129

Perhaps, that explains why even Secretary of State Colin Powell privately referred to Feith's intelligence cell as "Feith's Gestapo office." How ironic! Neocon Jews running a "Gestapo office." Finally, and most significantly, let's not forget that this "un-American intelligence" got it wrong!

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