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"Imagining Survival"

So, Mr. and Mrs. America how do we redeem ourselves? How do we "take back" our country? A first step would be stopping an illegal war started by a moral degenerate operating under the cloak of hysteria that he and his criminal comrades created within the American populace. Oh, yes, I know we are bringing democracy to the Iraqis. Oh, yes, I know we can't leave before we finish the job of "giving Iraqis their freedom". We have to stay so long as there is one more barbaric torture prison to be found (or one more Iraqi to be tortured). We have to stay so long as there is one more American military person to be wounded or killed. We can't give up while Halliburton is on a "roll". We can't give up while our mercenaries are doing so well. (Our mercenaries are making almost as much as the congressmen that allowed their president to declare the war that makes the mercenaries necessary).

Jason Miller: Privatize Me...Corporatize Me.... Blackwaterize Me...

Thomas Paine saw the United States as an "asylum for mankind." Sadly, under the political and social dominance of the Social Darwinists, America has become more of an "asylum for the insane". Torture, state-sponsored terrorism, illegal wars, flagrant disregard for international law, tax decreases for the wealthy, funding cuts for social safety net programs, government endorsed racism, and diasporas in the aftermath of natural disasters are but a few examples of the handiwork of the wealthy elite as they create a gross perversion of Paine's vision of the US. Not to worry though. America’s patrician class now has its own private armies to protect its gold from the proletariat they so graciously tolerate.

Recently, a company called Blackwater Lodge and Training Center, Inc. ("Blackwater") unleashed some attorneys on me for an editorial I published on Thomas Paine's Corner (my blog). The article was by another writer and I had published it under Fair Use since my blog generates no revenue. Blackwater's legal representatives threatened me with a libel suit and demanded that I depublish the article because it contained factual inaccuracies. After some research I agreed with them and removed the article from Thomas Paine's Corner. However, in the course of my research, I made some startling discoveries about the corporate mercenaries of Blackwater and their disturbing relationship with the US government, which clearly illustrates the threat America’s parasitic aristocracy poses to the poor, working and middle class of the world.

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