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"African Intellectuals Vow to Defend Bolivarian Revolution"
AFRICAN intellectuals meeting in the coastal city of Vargas, Venezuela have vowed to defend the country's Bolivarian Revolution, stating that the revolution is also a patrimony of Africa and the rest of the world.In their final declaration after five days of discussions around the geopolitical relations between Africa and Latin America, the more than 50 intellectuals from different African countries stated that they believed that the most vital task at hand was to defend the Bolivarian Revolution, led by President Hugo Chavez.
They stated their support was in view of the revolution's broad social and humanistic scope and its relevance to the integration and to create conditions necessary to provide opportunities for all Venezuelans.
"The very nature of the Bolivarian Revolution and its genuiness has given rise to hatred and to the resulting threat from the government of the United States of America," the declaration stated. "In view of the above, we, the intellectuals of Africa, have determined and indeed, shall make every effort to disseminate information on the social achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution and shall condemn the threat of any possible attack by the United States against Venezuela and attempt to assassinate its leader, Hugo Chavez."