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"Nimmo: Amman Radisson Owned by Palestinians"

“Mary Nazzal-Batayneh, whose family owns the Radisson,” explains the Arab Media Watch blog, “sent out the following press release:”

“We are the owners of Radisson SAS Jordan. As the owners we want to send deep condolences to all the staff and guests. We are deeply shocked and obviously condemn such acts. We very briefly want to set the record straight on 2 points.

Firstly, news reports have been indicating that the Radisson SAS was specifically attacked because it is an American hotel and has hosted Israelis. I want to make it clear that the Radisson SAS is a Scandinavian chain and owned by Palestinian-Jordanians.

Furthermore, the Radisson SAS owners and staff represent the strongest supporters out of all the hotels in Jordan for the Palestinian and Iraqi people. We have expressed our support throughout the decades and will continue to do so.”

You’d think al-Zarqawi’s Tanzim Qa’idat Al-Jihad fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn (Al-Qaeda Organization of Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers) would bomb a Jordanian target, not one jointly owned by Palestinians and Jordanians (recall the Israelis consider Palestinians Jordanians and vice versa). If we are to believe the propaganda dispensed by the corporate media (based on an impalpable internet message) al-Zarqawi targeted the hotels because he considered them to be “centers for launching war on Islam and support the crusaders’ presence in Iraq and the Arab peninsula and the presence of the Jews on the land of Palestine… They also were a secure place for the filthy Israeli and Western tourists to spread corruption and adultery at the expense and suffering of Moslems.”

Did al Zarqawi Really Bomb Amman?

Most people believe that Al-Zarqawi sent four suicide bombers, including husband and wife, to Amman to bomb three hotels “centers for launching war on Islam” and “a backyard for the enemies of faith. the Jews and the crusaders” as claimed on the webpage of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

As in Iraq the bombing succeeded in killing only Arabs, who happen to be Sunni Moslems, the group Al-Zarqawi claims to defend in Iraq.

“The bombing came in response to the conspiracy against the Sunnis” in Iraq, Al-Qaeda webpage stated.

Al-Zarqawi is a myth created by American psychological operation to benefit the colonial expansion of the "American/Israeli/British Triad” in the Arab World. Accusing Al-Zarqawi of Amman’s bombing is just a cover up for a more sinister political assassination.

Al-Zarqawi was declared killed by the Americans during their invasion of Afghanistan. Then suddenly he re-appeared in Iraq to stage car bombings that killed only Iraqis rather than Americans, Al-Zarqawi’s real enemies.

Now it is claimed that Al-Zarqawi’s terror is spilling over to the neighboring Arab countries.

Al-Zarqawi is just a cover name for terror operations perpetrated by the “American/Israeli/British Triad” to perpetuate its myth of “war against Islamic global terrorists” as a cover front for their war against the Arab World.

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