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"Haiti Turning into Canada's Iraq"

The political meltdown around a coming election in Haiti could tarnish Canada's peacekeeping reputation. Canada is taking a lead role in Haiti's reconstruction, but increasing violence and political repression is making free and fair elections impossible, critics warn.

Canada is the third largest donor to Haiti, after the United States and the European Union. Canada has contributed $180 million for Haiti's reconstruction over the next two years, including over $26 million for the upcoming elections.

But there are thousands of political prisoners in Haiti, according to journalist Kevin Pina, and Canada has the daunting task of reforming the police, court and prison systems

"The situation is horrible right now," said Pina, an American who has lived in Haiti for the past six years. "You have a situation where the majority political party is basically confronting a campaign of extermination. It's a nightmare situation and Canada is up to its neck in it."

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