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"Stop Globalization -- I want to get off"
The hired hands of Big Business, the thugs who make up the somewhat credible-looking façade of the government of the United States -- and many other countries -- are well on their way to changing the mechanisms by which the world is run.Their buddies in Europe, in this Mafioso enactment of the big scheme, are the new socialists -- Gerard Schröder of Germany and the New Labour apostle, Tony Blair of Britain. The so-called rightist governments of France, Italy and, until recently, Spain are not noticeably different from the ‘new socialists’. They seem to have reunited themselves in what is known as the ‘third’ way. Left and right seem to be concepts without any meaning and, at this stage of the game, the world seems to be charging forth to accommodate the cold-handed robots who have bought up our politicians. It’s a champagne and caviar party for only 1% of the 1% of the people of the earth -- and the rest of us are paying for it.
The buying of the world is what this is all about, the privatization of all the utilities that we thought of as belonging to the realm of local and federal government. Naïvely, it seemed to us that everybody on the planet should have a right to:
clean water
a non-toxic environment
proper sewerage and electricity
access to basic education
freedom from religious persecution.
And in places where the standard of living is not up to this task, then for shame, make it up to the formerly exploited countries and pay them back for the disgraceful and humiliating ways they were treated during colonial and the slave trade eras.