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""Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area, and bureaucracy has to stand trial.""

-Aaron Broussard, president Jefferson Parish council, MSNBC, TRANSCRIPT Meet the Press with Tim Russert, VIDEO: "Feds criticized for slow response," and VIDEO: "She drowned Friday night," September 4, 2005 (VIDEO Mirror)

"'Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area, and bureaucracy has to stand trial before Congress now," he insisted. Broussard hinted that he thought President Bush should be held responsible, saying, 'whoever is at the top of this totem pole, that totem pole needs to be chain-sawed off and we've got to start with some new leadership.'"
-Newsmax, "La. Official: Feds 'Murdered' Flood Victims," September 5, 2005

"Even though dry land routes exist leading out of the city, emergency officials continued to prevent able-bodied storm victims from trying to walk across the Crescent City Bridge, citing the dangers they said would be posed by an uncontrolled exit from the city. 'The last thing we need is people walking an en masse exodus on the interstate,' said Louisiana State Police Lt. Lawrence McLeary. 'Number one, they could probably be in shock and need medical attention. We don't know if they're lawless going out of town and we don't want them walking around wreaking havoc.'"
-James Janega and Howard Witt, "Help arrives, but many in New Orleans still wait for deliverance," September 2, 2005

Female reporter: "Is it true that the levees were blown up on purpose?"
White House Press Bullshitter: "This is not the time or the place for questions like that!"
-Press Conference with Ex-President George Bush Sr. Sir Knight of the British Empire and Ex-President Bill Clinton-Blythe-Rockefeller IV, MSNBC Morning Show, September 5, 2005

"Repair crews have patched the ruptured levee along the 17th Street Canal and have begun pumping water from New Orleans, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Monday. Helicopters closed the approximately 300-foot breach by filling it with more than 200 15,000-pound sandbags [BUT PHOTO AND VIDEO SHOWED A SECTION LEFT OPEN]. Trucks also poured loads of fill dirt into the damaged section. Crews intentionally breached levees in St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes Monday so that water would flow back into Lake Borgne, John Rickey, a corps spokesman said."
-CNN, "Pumps begin to drain New Orleans," September 5, 2005 (click for satellite images of all levee breaks)

Lots more quotes and full Broussard transcript here.

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