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"Not “Conspiracy Theories” They Are, in Fact, “Discoveries”"

Those to whom information is presented must deal with their personal unwillingness to hear new facts.

We have to make a serious effort to distinguish between the expression of an unfounded theory and the disclosure of verifiable information and facts.

They absolutely refuse to accept even the most convincing proof because they dare not admit to themselves that they have been lied to by officials in whom the placed their trust.

It is currently standard practice in America to simply dismiss any piece of information that punches a hole in any widely accepted explanation of a disturbing event. In many cases, especially when a serious crime is in question, the "conspiracy theory" tag is immediately attached to any new discovery about the event. Information related to such important topics such as 9/11, election fraud, the new world order, secret societies, or globalization is too often ignored as part of a baseless conspiracy theory even before any of it is ever presented, discussed, or evaluated.

There seems to be no set criteria for dismissing information as a foolish conspiracy theory. The only prerequisite for information to be so categorized seems to be the desire to reject it. The reason for the rejection does not seem to matter. It appears that anything people do not want to believe is simply set aside as not believable. It almost seems that if you set some people of fire they would dismiss the flames as non-existent, simply because they did not want to believe what was happening. The pain and damage done by the fire, no matter how devastating, would not be evidence enough to convince these people that the fire was real. Their need to believe otherwise would win out. In the same vein, people dismiss information and apply the conspiracy theory tag to anything they chose to disbelieve at their own discretion, regardless of any hard evidence that accompanies the "theory."

It's time to put an end to this nonsense once and for all. It's also time dispense with the name calling and understand the dynamics of what is happening when new information is rejected. We have to deal with the resistance to any tampering with accepted "truths." And we have to find ways to convince people to seriously consider the new information, new discoveries if you will - that so many refuse, under any circumstances, to acknowledge.
Full: spiritualsoldier.com

I think most of what calls itself 'alternative media' has been exposed by their failure to deal with the official London Bombing story with the least bit of scepticism. Who benefits? What the heck is 'al Qaeda' and who's paying to support it? Maybe it's a good time to remember that the term 'terrorism' originates from the French Revolution in reference to STATE terrorism, the terror states inflict upon their own peoples. Until people have the courage to look at the Beast which confronts them there is no solution to any of this. It doesn't take some apocalyptic prophet to see how much worse this situation is going to get. On Helen Caldicott's nuclear clock, I'd say it's about one minute to midnight.

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