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""Reality is a Construction...""

Sander Hicks and the 9/11 Truth Movement
By Mickey Z.

"...what I'm saying is that the $400 billion a year war machine and the $40 billion a year intelligence machine had its paw prints all over these guys. They didn't underestimate them. They allowed these guys to get riled up for a cause, and then do something that would in the end, hurt that cause greatly. Because it would justify a US military expansion.

The real racist tragedy is when you have 9/11 people who know nothing about history or foreign policy or politics who advance theories that completely ignore smoking guns, like the CIA/ISI connection. Their theories tend to veer into the esoteric. Really imaginative territory, like the "In Plane Sight" video. I'm not sure who they blame, they seem to think that the attack originated deep inside the war machine itself. But Arab anger is real. The real trick is to not only see it, but to understand it, and then to understand how it could have been manipulated. In the end, double agent Atta swore allegiance to Bin Laden, and that's who he died for. He cared very deeply about the Palestinian "homeland" as he called it. If he did have US intel connections, as the evidence shows, he was probably thinking he could play both sides and then have it blow up in our face. What he didn't figure is his handlers were one step ahead of him."
Full Interview: counterpunch.org

Replies: 1 Comment

Friday, December 10th, i posted:

this assumes that there were actually hijackers, that mohammed atta is real, etc.

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