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"Ukraine in crisis as opposition leader declares himself president"

Tens of thousands of opposition supporters surrounded Ukraine's presidential offices after their pro-Western leader declared himself president, defying the government after a weekend election they believe was rigged in favour of the Russia-backed candidate.

With the political crisis threatening to spiral out of control, hundreds of riot police cordoned off the building in the capital Kiev, pushing back demonstrators who shouted slogans and called on security personnel to join the protest, as the government met in emergency session.

Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko had earlier declared himself president during an emergency parliament session attended only by his supporters and which lacked a quorom.

Outgoing President Leonid Kuchma warned that the act could have unforeseeable consequences but he promised his government would not be the first to use force against the uprising, sparked by accusations of irregularities during the weekend presidential vote.

As criticism of the poll gathered momentum in the West, two members of Ukraine's central electoral commission were reported to have urged their 13 colleagues not to approve the results because of major ballot violations.

Yushchenko called on Ukrainian civil servants and police to cross over and join the mass protests that have gripped the nation since the vote.
Full Article: news.yahoo.com

The exit polls don't match the outcome? The people hit the streets. Another people, voting with their feet, against fear. The great purveyor of democracy seems the most unfree country in the world.

Replies: 2 Comments

Wednesday, November 24th, Rootsie posted:

It does have a Georgia/ George Soros vibe about it.

Wednesday, November 24th, iyah360 posted:

I beleive there is a spin on this story. American and European election observers say the election was fixed. Russia is indeed in the way in the eyes of the U.S. plans for hegemony. It would be just like the U.S. to forment a supposed "democratic" uprising amongst a nation so near to the heart of a major thorn in their side.

"Yushchenko, a pro-Western liberal, and Yanukovych, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, fought a bitterly contested runoff battle."

Remember the anti-Chavez protests in Venezuela?

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