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"Israeli police: Nuclear whistleblower arrested"

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Seven months after he was released from prison after an 18-year sentence for treason and espionage, Israeli police arrested nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu Thursday morning in Jerusalem on suspicion of passing on confidential information to unauthorized individuals, police said.

Vanunu spent 18 years in an Israeli jail for leaking details of Israel's nuclear program in 1986, court officials said.

He is restricted from leaving the country and from talking to the international media. Israeli officials fear Vanunu might reveal additional Israeli secrets.

Israelis view Vanunu as either a traitor or a hero after he exposed Israel's nuclear secrets to London's The Sunday Times 18 years ago, leading analysts to conclude Israel had made as many as 200 nuclear bombs.

Israel does not comment on whether it has nuclear weapons.
Full Article: cnn.com

Israel is allowed 'no comment' about its nuclear weapons while the Isrealis threaten to attack Iran over their potential ones. It is hypocrisies such as this that threaten the safety of the US and others. Israel is allowed total impunity, Arafat's legacy is distorted by the press, Fallujah is being ripped to shreds, the car bombs are going off in Baghdad, and Bush has the gall to say that Arafat's death raises new 'hope for peace.' Peace, or 'democracy,' are the last things these villains are hoping for.

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