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"The Team White America Loved to Hate: USA Basketball in Black and White!"

By Dave Zirin

How many times do we hear fans try to assign wild-eyed political symbolism to sports teams? My friend Zeke is convinced that "If the Yankees win that's good for Bush!" I've also heard, "The Detroit Pistons beating the LA Lakers will give confidence to blue collar workers around the country." Or my favorite irrational analysis, "I bet they fixed the Super Bowl so the 'Patriots' would win--you know....because of the war."

But the Olympics are a different beast. The US as the world's lone superpower lord over the Olympics like Alexander the Great. Our defeats are celebrated as dents in the armor. Rooting against the US outside this country becomes as natural as cheering for Rocky Balboa.

But a new layer of people inside the Unites States rooted against one US team in particular this Olympics, and for all the wrong reasons. The bronze medal winning US basketball squad became the team fans in the United States loved to hate. According to a national poll, 54% of fans said they wanted to see the team of NBA superstars lose--with another 20% reporting that they "kind of" wanted to see them taken down.

Some of this animosity is more racist than a Bob Jones University course syllabus.

Full Article: AfricaSpeaks.com

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