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"FBI Expects Violence at GOP Convention"

Guardian UK
WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI anticipates violent protests at the upcoming Republican National Convention in New York but does not have enough evidence to move against any group or person, the bureau's top terrorism official said Wednesday.

New York officials have said they expect hundreds of thousands of people to stage demonstrations around the convention, which begins Aug. 30.

Concern over the convention comes amid heightened security across New York over fears that foreign terrorists might strike the city again. New York remains on a ``high'' terrorism alert level, while most of the country is on elevated alert.

Federal investigators have infiltrated some organizations and are monitoring plans for protests being published on the Internet. The FBI also interviewed some protesters around the country before last month's Democratic convention in Boston and in anticipation of the GOP convention.

``We don't have any specific plot where we have all the variables we need to go out and take pre-emptive and judicial action,'' said Gary Bald, assistant director of the FBI's counterterrorism division. full article

It used to be that when the FBI infiltrated organizations, they tried to keep it secret. But why bother? The vast majority seems to have no problem with the hijacking of our Constitutional rights.

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