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"Baker Quits West Sahara as U.N. Envoy"

UNITED NATIONS, June 12 (AP) - The former secretary of state James A. Baker III resigned as the top United Nations envoy to Western Sahara after years of frustrated efforts to resolve the conflict between Morocco and independence-seeking rebels, a United Nations spokesman said Friday.

Mr. Baker has expressed increasing frustration in his job as Secretary General Kofi Annan's personal envoy, initially over being unable to arrange a referendum on the territory's future and later over Morocco's opposition to his latest peace plan.

That plan would give Western Sahara immediate self-government and would require a referendum within five years to decide if the mineral-rich desert territory on the Atlantic coast of Africa should be independent or part of Morocco. new york times.com

Well who knew that Mr. Stench of Brimstone (didn't you get that Darth Vader-feeling when he flew down to Florida in 2000 to put the fix in for Bush?) was Annan's envoy To Western Sahara? "Mineral rich' indeed no doubt. After reading about Kofi Annan's extremely dubious role during the Rwandan genocide propping up the US's resolve to DO NOTHING, it is not surprising that as Secretary General he puts his trust in scary spooks like Baker.

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