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"Excuse me, but I'm confused..."

first I find this

500,000 protest Bush's visit to Rome
6/4/04 UPI article
Rome, Italy, Jun. 4 (UPI) -- Thousands filled Rome's streets Friday to protest President Bush's visit and their own country's involvement in the Iraq war, CNN reported.

Police deployed some 10,000 officers around Rome as an estimated 500,000 protested Bush's arrival and Italy's active support of the U.S. war in Iraq.

and then this:

Anti-Bush demo only moderate success
6/4/04 UPI article
ROME, June 4 (UPI) -- Rome police and protesters gave widely different estimates of the size of Friday's anti-Bush demonstration, but the turnout fell short of expectations.

Police told the Italian media that around 7,000 protesters against the U.S. president's visit had marched through the center of Rome behind a huge, multicolored banner that read: "No Bush, no war."

The protest organizers, however, claimed the number was closer to 200,000. Independent estimates said the figure was more like 10,000.

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