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Author Topic: How to Stage a Coup, American-Style  (Read 5304 times)
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« on: November 19, 2006, 05:26:03 PM »,9171,1555119,00.html

"From the Magazine | Nation
How to Stage a Coup, American-Style
Libertarian activists are moving to a state where they'll have maximum clout
Posted Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006
If Ron Helwig can join the revolution, then so can you. All you have to do is believe, as Helwig does, that the government has gone way too far in regulating your personal life, taxing your income and invading your privacy. And, of course, you have to move to New Hampshire.

That's exactly what the affable computer programmer from Minnesota did this year. He's a new member of the Free State Project, a group of like-minded libertarians from around the U.S. whose goal is to come together in the tiny New England state in sufficient numbers to create a libertarian showroom for the rest of the country.

The Free State idea was the brainchild five years ago of Jason Sorens, then a grad student in political science at Yale. Card-carrying libertarians make up just under 1% of voters around the country, a number that has made them achingly irrelevant in national politics. Sorens argued in online forums and later at political events that if 20,000 libertarians would move to the same small state, they would no longer be in the electoral wilderness. They could finally make a difference and show the rest of America what real liberty looks like--the kind where you don't have to wear seat belts or register your guns and nobody passes laws about what the neighbors can do in their bedroom.

By 2003 thousands had agreed in principle to make the move once a total of 20,000 had signed on. They settled on New Hampshire as their destination. The state's motto, after all, is LIVE FREE OR DIE, and its low taxes and high regard for minding your own damn business proved irresistible. Republican officials were delighted. "Come on up," Craig Benson, the Governor at the time, told them. "We'd love to have you."

At a recent Free State Project meet-and-greet in Deerfield thrown by Helwig and his two housemates, also Minnesotan émigrés, it was clear that 20,000 is an ambitious goal. No more than a few dozen movement members from around the state showed up for the beer and pizza. In all, fewer than 200 have moved to New Hampshire in the past three years. "Getting libertarians to do anything together is like herding cats," groused a partygoer.

It would be wrong to write off the Free Staters entirely, though. Those who have moved have been putting on a display of rambunctious, representative democracy. Some prefer civil disobedience and street demonstrations: one was recently arrested at a local IRS office handing out pamphlets that said, "Hitler had a revenue service too." Although the Free State Project doesn't endorse political candidates, some members have been making competitive runs for local office, including some staunch home-schooling advocates who have been elected to local school boards. With one state legislator for every 3,000 or so citizens (the best ratio of any state), New Hampshire has a proud tradition of hyper-representative government, but as in the rest of the country, many of its citizens are apathetic about politics. By simply showing up and speaking out at public meetings, the Free Staters are filling the participatory void. They helped block a statewide ban on smoking in bars and restaurants and joined forces with elements of the two main parties to pressure the statehouse to vote down a pilot program for a national ID card. . . . "

full article:,9171,1555119,00.html
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Posts: 386

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« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 05:29:15 PM »

Populism Unleashed Or
How I Killed The Plutocracy
By Dick Eastman
First,  here  is the revised populist agenda.  (Scroll down if you have already seen this.) :
1.  Government should get out of the war on terror business  (9-11 was a false-flag operation)
2.  The US should pull out of Iraq and Afganistan immediately  -- and effectively switching sides in foreign policy with respect to puppet states we have set up
3.  The money supply (money and credit) should be taken out of the control of private foreign bankers and become the exclusive provenance of the US Treasury
3.  Anti-trust should be applied to the monopoly media
4.  The income tax (tax on being productive) should be eliminated (as it was prior to 1913) -- tarrifs on imports should be the major source of Federal Revenues (to stimulate -- ressurrect -- home production  -- and smaller government)
5. A wealth tax should be imposed on fortunes above 60 million dollars, steeply progressive to completely eliminate billionaires
6.  Israel apartheid should be condemned and Zionism eliminated from foreign policy objectives
7.  The US should take steps to balance the budget and end the imbalance of foreign trade and encourage production at home
8. Control of education should be returned to local school boards
9. The special power of corporations as legal "persons" should be repealed
10.  Not the stock market or "fighting inflation" (keeping  bond prices high), but the standard of living (quality of life) across the entire population now and in the future should be the primary purpose, criteria and focus of government.
11.  US Senators should once again be selected by State Legislatures (as was done before 1913) so that they are not so easily bought and so they are better qualified
12.  Presidents should -- as the Founding Fathers originally conceived -- be selected by  electors chosen by the people -- not by political parties  --  the electors selected by petition to be put on an "elector" ballot and voted for every four years  -- all electors non-partisan.
13.  Prisons should be reformatories, not colleges for crime and places where prisoners are buggered by bullies. And the drug addicts should be released as the new drug program is introduced  (see above, and below)
14.  Banks should be limited to individual states  with no out-of-state holding companies allowed.
A liberatarian group has devised its own political orientation  test to determine where individuals fit on a two-dimensional political-ideology  graph   with "Right-Conservative"versus "Left-liberal" along  the x-axis, and "Libertarian" versus "Statist" on the y-axis and "centerist" being those found near the origin (near the (0,0) point)   --  but this graph neglects the crucial third dimension  -- it makes no provision for a z-axis of  "Populist versus Pro-Oligarcy" (see my defining populist issues above)  -- the missing and all-important "third dimension."  At any rate, here are their two-dimensional uestions (and my populist answers to them   -with additional comments by Peter Wakefield Sault (in the UK) and my responses to Peter's  comments:
Personal Issues:
1. True  or False:  Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internernet   
DE:  False.   Censor porn, not political speech.
PWS:  For adult audiences, where do you draw the line between art and porn? E.g. what is Michelangelo's 'David'? Perhaps it should be decided on an item by item basis, by jurists.
DE:  If it is meant to be consumed with masturbation it is pornography. Pornography consumed in this way conditions sexual predispositions and behavior  -- with sadistic or fetishistic or child porn it creates social deviance.   The states -- state courts should decide.  Pornographic art no matter how creative and expressive should be banned from society.  Let authors know they cannot produce social poison and they will leave it out of their art.  The same applies to Texas Chain Saw Massacre horror and organized crime movies.  If Hollywood can't get out of its horror-organized crime - sexual deviance rut   than  it will be time to fine them out of existence and start over with all new artists and film culture.
2. True or False:  Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft 
DE:  True  -- sufficient pay and simple love-of-country and use of military only for REAL national defense should be enough to keep the ranks full.
PWS:  There should be no armies and no weapons of war. If there were no nations and no religions then who would need an army anyway?
DE:  Military power should exist just to the level to deter aggression against us -- not to impose our capitalists on the rest of the world.  When our government -- and other governments of the world -- rein in bankers and corporations that profit from war  the level of this defense would be safely kept quite low --  right now  the US is vulnerable to subversion and conquest by international creditor  interests
3. True or False:  There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults
DE:  False  --  keep ALL sex in the closet -- and away from children.  The state must protect its future generations by protecting its children.  Leave it to the states to create these laws.
PWS:  Sex offenders (pedophiles, rapists etc.) and women who have either had induced abortions or have used cocaine should be sterilised and/or castrated. (Cocaine use by women causes their children to develop psychopathy later in life - this is now proven. It causes brain damage in fetuses which leads to that condition. Pedophilia has also been shown to develop as a consequence of damage to the frontal area of the brain, as by tumours etc. - so it is in some cases medically treatable. Naturally this does not cover ALL pedophilia.)
DE:   While abortion is the killing of a genetically complete living human being -- and has killed off much of the generation that should now be producing national output nd paying taxes (supporting our ageing population etc.) today -- forced sterilization is worse-than-horrible totalitarian intrusion which no government should have the power to do --  sterilization should always be voluntary.  Cocaine and alcohol are death on families and the good of society -- outlawing drugs and alcohol always provides big profits for black market organized crime -- The populist  would outlaw the public selling of cocaine -- but allow that all registered addicts be allowed to by very very cheap cocaine from the government to destroy the organized crime element.
4. True or False: Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs
DE:   yes -- outlaw salse but not possession   to take the profit out of it for organized crime -- with those profits the drug money power runs the world  -- let the government supply extremely cheap at-cost drugs to addicts
PWS: Tobacco and alcohol use should be legal? I think not. But your point is, however, correct - illegality benefits only criminals. It is a real conundrum with no simple answer. My solution is to provide new adults (i.e. 21-year-olds) with 'licenses' to use drugs - licenses which can be revoked if the user engages in harming themselves or others as a consequence of irresponsible usage. Drunk drivers etc. should have their license to drink revoked, not merely their license to drive (as well as being punished by gaol, fines etc. as appropriate)
DE:   I say that giving licesnses for drug use to new adults is like sex education  -- it is a subtle push to vice.  Keep drugs out of society -- out of mind -- but those who are addicted let them quietly be provided with their drug by the government  --  selling should be the crime  -- addiction should be considered a sickness - a plague that must be treated with compassion for the victims -- but not expensive government programs to provide "counseling or psycological services or social workers  -- which does not work and creates a corrupt industry and interest group that is far from helpful)       States, counties, townships should be allowed to vote prohibition if they want to  --  and the penalty for bootlegging from state to state or county to country should not be too severe -- the little free-lance bootleggers  will keep out big organized crime by the competition  -- but there should be no national prohibition law.
5. True or False: There should be no National ID card
DE:  Maybe -- can't make up my mind -- people should have nothing to hide  -- but what good purpose would it serve that the present system does not serve?
PWS:  There should be no nations.  I know that you, like many others, have been seduced by nationalism and propagandised into believing that 'globalism' is evil. That is how the Jews exert control over you and all the nations, apparently without you even knowing it. There should be ONE currency for all the world, removing the banks ability to 'tax' currency exchange. There should be uniform taxation (if any) for all people. There should be absolute freedom of movement (naturally there are exceptions, such as carriers of infectious diseases and criminals). There should be global anti-pollution laws that cannot be evaded by moving a dirty operation across a border into some country where the pols are more easily bribed.
DE:   Nation states are associated with exploitation of majorities by ruling minorities -- but intelligent solutions exist if we can find them (look on this page) and persuade the pulbic of the reforms that are needed (distribute this page).  Globalism is evil.  It allows neither democracy nor republic-style representation -- it is rule by billionaire merchant bankers and their hired brains and instrumentalities (NGO's, World Bank, IMF, etc.)  --  There is no problem with multiple national currencies in a rational system where currencies rise or fall in currency markets against gold or against other currencies.  Each government of each nation should have total control over the supply of its own currency  -- taking the natural consequences of inflation and deflation and balance of payments and strength of the dollar  as "market (reality) discipline" -- but guarding by regulation the depradations of international currency traders etc.
"Economic Issues"
1. True or False:  End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business   
DE:   True.  Handouts no, corporations as legal persons should be eliminated -- break them up into small privately owned companies -- develop a  tax structure that encourages jobs and business starts -- restructure the financial system so that capital is not sent abroad but is made available to our own domestic entrepreneurs -- restoring the land of opportunity.
PWS:    Double-talk. The only encouragement needed is the possibility of profit. What should be removed is financial inheritance (i.e. I am not proposing to take anyone's property inheritance, such as their late mother's house.) Corporations should not have human rights, let alone superhuman rights. All ultimate human owners should be properly and publicly identified - no proxies and no holding companies.
DE:   Can't add anything to this.  Yes, inheritance tax should also reduce overly great fortunes in addition to the effect of the wealth tax.  Small family businesses -- up to a certain size -- should be free of inheritance tax -- something like a homestead act should be devised for small businesses and family farms.
2. True or False:  End government barriers to international free trade
DE:  no  -- we must regulate international commerce, especially capital and labor flows across boarders
PWS:  Repeat - there should be no national borders anyway.
DE:  Repeat.  The sovereign nation state is the only instrumentality for government in the public interest.  A world government must be a world oligarchy where people count as nothing.  People have been ill-served by always "corrupt" (self-serving exploitive minority rule) government  --  but the remedy is to be found in Jeffersonian checks and balances, not a super-government with no representation.
3. True or False:  Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security  (hell
DE:  no.  Let the government pension remain a government pension  -- people can invest on their own.  Don't mix the two with forced investment/speculation on the stock market)
PWS: Everyone should be cared for in their old age - proper shelter, food, clothing and healthcare as a minimum. As should the disabled and incapacitated at any age. Globally.
  We have a federal social security and medicare program in the US.  All other minamum assistance should be from the states.  The real goal is that every family make an income big enough to provide for old-aged needs  -- saving for ones own old-age or having enough to support a parent  beyond social security and medicare.  There should also be room for private charity.  Populism is not socialism  -- populism makes social welfare unnecessary because it abolishes poverty by improving the economic and social environment.   
4. True or False:  Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more
DE:  no  -- where government belongs do not cut, where government does not belong eliminate 100 percent.  If all taxes exceed 25 percent of income  that is too much.   We will eliminate much of the interest that government has to pay by arresting the financiers to whom the money is owned and charging them with crimes against humanity  -- their debts will be cancelled in penalty.
PWS:  What exactly is the contemporary purpose of taxation?
DE:  The contemporary purpose is for the ruling minority to take tribute from the subjugated majority and to fund the apparatus of minority-rule coercion.  In the U.S.  we no longer vote the money at the same time that they vote a government project or service  -- rather they just vote the political pork without consideration of cost -- and vote the "appropriations" seperately  -- it is a very irresponsible and corrupt system and it shows the true nature of the game.
  But there are legitimate public goods that the government provides its people  --  sound money, regulation of interstate commerce, post office, control of boarders, social security, medicare, defense, projects like dams and highway system, regulation of air traffic and air waves, anti-trust  etc.

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