Rootsie, I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I discovered your website tonight. For a while now, I have felt alone--being a white woman with what I will for lack of a better term call "rasta beliefs". I was raised Catholic, but always felt as if I was missing something. As a young woman, through college, etc. I was always searching for truth, for meaning. I never really found it, until I found reggae, and the desire to learn more about the rasta ways. The more I study and learn, the more I relate. I keep finding myself thinking "hey, thats how I feel! or hey, that makes so much sense!" However, no matter how much I feel drawn to the rasta way of life, the fact that I am a white 36 yr old woman always made me feel a little out of place. So I've kept my thoughts and beliefs to myself. It can be very lonely at times. I am just so thankful that I found this site, and this forum. I know I will learn much here. Thank you!!!!