They Knew!!

by Rootsie

So let’s see. They knew he bombed the WTC in 1993 and regarded that job as unfinished. They knew he plaaned attacks years in advance. They knew about Tanzania, Kenya, and the Cole. The FBI was telling him there were suspicious guys in Arizona and Minnesota taking flight lessons. They knew he had people in the United States. They knew he wanted to retaliate on Washington for the 1998 bombings of Afghanistan, and they knew people were casing buildings in New York. Thanks to the Minnesota FBI agent/whistle-blower we know that local FBI was told by Washington to leave them alone. How can they say now that they needed TIME to formulate a strategy? Come on, this was their strategy: at the very least to allow the attacks to happen so they could pursue their agenda in Afghanistan and Iraq. And maybe more. What is the personal relationship between Bush and Bin Laden?

Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US

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