EQUATORIAL GUINEA:The Dictator’s Achilles’ Heel
IPS News
Legal action in Spain and the United States taking aim at secret bank accounts of President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea could become a weapon to help put an end to his 25-year dictatorship, say opposition leaders and activists from the West African nation.
MADRID, Jul 21 (IPS) – Legal action in Spain and the United States taking aim at secret bank accounts of President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea could become a weapon to help put an end to his 25-year dictatorship, say opposition leaders and activists from the West African nation.
The trials could mark the beginning of the end for a dictatorship ”which has turned the country into one enormous prison,” Celestino Okenve, head of the Madrid-based non-governmental group Equatorial Guinea Solidarity Forum (FSGE), which will be lodging a lawsuit in the Spanish courts, told IPS. full article
Well this ‘non-governmental group’ is clearly working in concert with the Spanish government and the oil giant who tried to pull off a coup in E.G. a few weeks ago. Watch those ‘NGO’s’… Dictators are unacceptable to the US only when they’re horning in on oil and gas profits.