Japanese children shun the rising sun

Guardian UK
Half of Japanese primary and secondary school students have never seen a sunrise or sunset, according to a survey.

The study, conducted last year among 900 children, found that Japanese youngsters spend significantly less time outdoors than previous generations.

Compiled by Tetsuro Saito of Kawamura Gakuen Women’s University, the report is the fourth of its kind to be carried out since 1991.

It shows that 52% of today’s children have never seen either a sunrise or a sunset. Thirteen years ago the figure was 41%.

“Today’s parents don’t have a lot of experience with nature,” said Professor Saito, who advocates changing the classroom-bound education system to allow for more time for outdoor learning.

“But the situation can only improve if parents make an effort to spend more time outdoors with their children.”

Parents’ groups and other social analysts say several factors have influenced young people’s distant relationship with the environment. These range from an urbanised lifestyle with its emphasis on consumption and few opportunities to spend time outdoors, to Japan’s notorious cram school system. full article

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