Thousands of Iranians Protest U.S. Actions in Iraq

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Thousands of Iranians marched through the streets of Tehran on Friday to protest U.S. military actions in Iraq after a senior hardline cleric praised the resistance of Shi’ite Muslim rebels in Najaf.

Chanting “Death to America” and burning U.S. flags, the protesters flooded streets in central Tehran carrying banners proclaiming: “Death to the occupiers” and “American democracy – massacre of innocent people.” Similar state-sponsored rallies were planned across the country.

Shi’ite Muslim Iran has consistently called for U.S.-led forces to leave Iraq and expressed outrage at the presence of multinational forces in holy Shi’ite cities Najaf and Kerbala.

“They (Americans) want to fully eliminate Islamic groups from the Iraqi scene and give power to a laic group who are U.S. agents,” Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati told worshippers at Friday Prayers in Tehran before the protest march started.

“I must appreciate those who are resisting around the holy shrine (of Imam Ali in Najaf) against the bloodthirsty wolves,” he said. full article

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