Vatican to Investigate Pornography Accusations

by Richard Bernstein New York Times
BERLIN, July 20 – Pope John Paul II announced Tuesday that he would appoint a special investigator to look into accusations of homosexual behavior and of downloading child pornography at a Roman Catholic seminary in Austria.

A statement released at the Vatican on behalf of the pope identified the investigator as Klaus Küng, bishop of the Austrian city of Feldkirch.

The announcement followed a statement on Monday by an Austrian prosecutor that at least one person at the seminary, St. Pölten, which is about 40 miles west of Vienna, would be charged in the case.

Several months ago, the police took away computers and hard drives to try to identify the person or people who downloaded pornographic material that is illegal in most countries, including Austria.

Prosecutors said Tuesday that they had found “pornographic representations of minors as well as so-called violent pornography” on the seminary’s main computer, as well as on one assigned to a 27-year-old seminarian, who was charged. full article
Well much of the history of the Catholic Church is violently pornographic. This is mild in comparison.

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