“My God – they killed him!”

The streets are filled with vipers who’ve lost all ray of hope
You know it ain’t even safe no more in the palace of the Pope
– Bob Dylan

by Jeff Wells
Is everything a conspiracy? No. Just the important stuff.

Since there’s a lot of speculation these days about who will succeed Pope John Paul II, it seems a good time to recall the circumstances of the last papal succession. Because Luciani Albini, Pope John Paul I, was almost certainly murdered, by an international network of fascists and money launderers, with ties to far-right elements within military and intelligence agencies. (And isn’t it just amazing, how often we find that convergence?)

He only served 33 days; what could he have done in that short time to deserve death? What kind of Pope was he becoming?

To the second question, there’s the suggestion of an answer in this passage from David Yallop’s In God’s Name:

On August 28, the beginning of his papal revolution was announced. It took the form of a Vatican statement that there was to be no coronation, that the new pope refused to be crowned. There would be no sedia gestatoria, the chair used to carry the pope, no tiara encrusted with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. No ostrich feathers, no six-hour ceremony…. Luciani, who never once used the royal “we,” was determined that the royal papacy with its appurtenances of worldly grandeur should be replaced by a Church that resembled the concepts of its founder. The “coronation” became a simple Mass. The spectacle of a pontiff carried in a chair…was supplanted by the sight of a supreme pastor quietly walking up the steps of the altar. With that gesture Luciani abolished a thousand years of history…. The era of the poor Church had officially begun.

That right there would have been enough to make the Vatican’s power elite nervous, but surely not enough to seek the Pope’s death. Not even his expressed interest in reconsidering the Church’s position on birth control would have been enough for that. What was enough, was his intent to overturn the tables of the corrupt Vatican Bank, and purge the Vatican of the P2 Lodge.

This is one of those things that make being a “conspiracy theorist” seem entirely superfluous. Just try imagining P2: an elite, ultra-secretive, neo-fascist, Masonic cabal, involved in money laundering, assassination and false-flag terrorism. (The “Strategy of Tension,” to discredit Italy’s Communist Party. For instance, the engineering of Aldo Moro’s kidnapping and murder, and the Bologna train bombing.) P2 counted among its members the future Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, and reputedly boasted honourary members like Henry Kissinger, George HW Bush and arch-neocon, Michael Ledeen.

I mentioned P2 last August, with regard to Ledeen’s long history with the Italian far right and the linchpin of Italian military intelligence to the Niger “Yellow Cake” forgery. [For more on the significance of P2 to US intelligence and the “Octopus,” refer to David Guyatt’s excellent articles “Operation Gladio”, “Holy Smoke and Mirrors” and “The Money Fountain.”]

Licio Gelli was P2’s Grandmaster, and can’t even be called a neo-fascist. He was Old School: a member of the Italian Black Shirt Brigade which fought for Franco in the Spanish Civil War. During World War II, he spied on partisans in his native Italy for the Nazis, and obtained the SS rank of Oberleutenant. This same Gelli was a honoured guest of George HW Bush after the 1980 inauguration, and there is evidence that Gelli and P2 played a role in the October Surprise; even that Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered on Gelli’s orders because he’d refused to provide Swedish cover for the covert transfer of money and arms. In her October Surprise, Barbara Honegger writes that a P2 informant claimed to her that before Palme’s death, Gelli sent a message to former Republican National Committee advisor (and also alleged “honourary” P2 member) Philip Guarino, assuring him that “the Swedish tree will be felled,” and to “tell our good friend Bush.”

Your head exploding yet? There’s more. GHW Bush’s reputed code name for October Surprise was “The White Rose,” which was also the name of a far-right Cuban exile group with which the CIA’s Bush was reportedly engaged during the ramp-up to the Bay of Pigs. Honneger reports that when Italian police uncovered the P2 control cell responsible for terrorism in Italy, they learned that its code name was “The Rose of Twenty.” Gelli seems to have had a weakness for the flower.

And this may mean nothing, or I know what you did: in 1988, on the 25th anniversary of John F Kennedy’s murder, Ted Kennedy marked the occasion in Runnymede England by placing, at the foot of his brother’s memorial, a single white rose.
Full Article: rigorousintuition.blogspot.com

A Balanced View Of Popes – Part 1
…Karol Wojtyla was a sort of chief assistant to the Bishop of Krakow, who being pro-Nazi, controlled fellow Poles with an iron fist and kept them submissive and docile for the benefit of the German occupation forces. Later, far too many Poles claimed they knew nothing of the round-up of the Jews from the ghettoes and transporting them to concentration camp for slave labor for I.G. Farben.
Millions of Jews, labor leaders, and other “enemies of the State” were worked to death while being starved. Elderly and disabled Jews were quickly disposed of; they were of no use in the Nazi war factories.
Most Poles later either denied knowing of this when it was happening or claimed they did not participate in the crimes against humanity. Presumably, Wojtyla took the same position as his fellow Poles. In his later career, did anyone in the Monopoly Press ever dare ask him?
Then there is the story of another one. In 1978, in their secret Conclave, the Cardinals selected another Italian to be Pope, John Paul 1st. But, soon it became evident from a geopolitical and religious standpoint, they most likely made a wrong selection.
He soon enough let it be known that he was for modifying the Vatican position of absolute prohibition for Catholics to use birth control. In simple terms, he was against birthing more children than a couple could financially take care of. It was a reasonable , humane position to non-Catholics.
Furthermore, he was determined to put an end to the traditional Sicilian and Italian Mafia, jointly with
certain corrupt Archbishops, and the American CIA, in using the Vatican Bank as a money laundry for stolen gold treasuries, dope money, illlcit weapons deals, assassination funds, and superior counterfeit currency dealings, among other dirty, bloody business.
Some Italian editors dared demand that Pope John Paul 1st, do something about the Continental Bank of Chicago, the majority owners jointly being the Vatican and the Queen of England. The bank, some Italian editors stated, was a laundry for the Mafia.
Full Article: rense.com

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