An election to anoint an occupation

Tony Blair and George Bush were quick to characterise yesterday’s election as a triumph of democracy over terror. Bush declared it a “resounding success”, while Blair asserted that “The force of freedom was felt throughout Iraq”. And yet the election fell so completely short of accepted electoral standards that had it been held in, say, Zimbabwe or Syria, Britain and America would have been the first to denounce it.

Draconian security measures left Iraq’s cities looking like ghost towns. The ballot papers were so complicated that even Jalal Talabani, the Kurdish leader, needed a briefing on how to use one. Most candidates had been afraid to be seen in public, or to link their names to their faces in the media. The United Iraqi Alliance, identifying only 37 of their 225 candidates, explained: “We offer apologies for not mentioning the names of all the candidates … We have to keep them alive.”
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