Chirac vows to prevent ‘anarchy’ in Ivory Coast

The French president, Jacques Chirac, vowed yesterday to keep his troops in Ivory Coast to prevent the former colony from sliding into anarchy or fascism, and condemned the “questionable regime” of the country’s president.

His pledge came shortly before African leaders attending a summit on the crisis in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, last night agreed to back a draft UN security council resolution calling for an arms embargo, a travel ban and asset freezes against anyone blocking peace in Ivory Coast.

…Mr Chirac told a student forum in Marseille: “We do not want to let a system develop that could lead to anarchy or a regime of a fascist nature,” according to Associated Press.

He said he would not consider a pullout of French troops “when we have an international mandate supported by all Africans”.

“We do not want to let…” That says it all.

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