CBS Apologizes for Interrupting CSI; Will Rebroadcast Episode

CBS NEWS interrupted the final minutes of Wednesday night’s episode of CSI: NEW YORK  in order to air a special report about the death of Yasser Arafat.    CBS has apologized and says it will rebroadcast the episode, in its entirety FRIDAY at 9PM CENTRAL TIME.

“An overly aggressive CBS News producer jumped the gun with a report that should have been offered to local stations for their late news. We sincerely regret the error. The episode of CSI: NEW YORK will be rebroadcast Friday, Nov. 12.”

2 Responses to “CBS Apologizes for Interrupting CSI; Will Rebroadcast Episode”

  1. I-sis Says:

    Well thanks for clearing that up! I thought it was an evil twist to the ending of CSI Crime Scene Investigations. It is highly suspicious the timing and circumstances surrounding Arafat’s passing. The new leader will be interim for 60 days until elections are held…hmmmmmmmmm, when would that then be? Possibly the end of January? Funny, Iraq just said less than a week ago that they will be having elections the last week of January, but couldnt say a precise date. Maybe those in control were just waiting to see how long it would take to kill him. Coincided elections…weapons of mass destractions….Bush knows how to do this well with his Die-abolic machines. At this point, why don’t they just stage one puppet for both countries and save some of that payoff $ and apply it to the ticking time bomb…..the US deficit…ahhhh but I forgot the likes of Cheney like the backdoor draft of blood money. Yet another series of Nightmare Of Elm St. U.S.A. bloodily raping and robbing the world (so-called insurgents)in the name of establishing a true and civilized democracy with "God’s Speed" where ever they see the need and greed for.

  2. I-sis Says:

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