Chat Room Terrorists and the Holland Tunnel

In Bushzarro world, terrorists have the expertise to blow up New York’s Holland Tunnel and flood Wall Street, even though the tunnel is buried in bedrock below the Hudson River, is constructed of concrete and cast-iron steel, and lower Manhattan is above the level of the river. Like the official version of nine eleven, the Holland Tunnel plot runs counter to science and the laws of physics.

‘The FBI discovered the plot by monitoring Internet chat rooms, where the aspiring terrorists discussed striking the U.S. economy,’ reports the New York Daily News.

If we are to believe the FBI and the corporate media stenographers at the Daily News, this chat room chatter, or rather puerile blather followed on the heels of a declaration uttered by a dead man.

‘Al Qaeda founder Bin Laden has often urged his followers to “bleed” America financially,’ the Daily News continues. ‘They’re hell-bent on destroying the economy in the U.S.,’ a so-called counterterrorism source told the newspaper.

Of course, it is not clear who is ‘hell-bent on destroying the economy,’ supposed terrorists or the FBI.

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