All New Orleans Public School Teachers Fired, Millions in Federal Aid Channeled to Private Charter Schools

Immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit, the Louisiana state legislature voted to take over most of New Orleans’ public schools and effectively fire the 7,500 teachers and employees who work in them. The city schools are now part of the state-run recovery school district and control of many of schools is being given to private charter organizations. We speak with a member of the United Teachers of New Orleans.

Thousands of New Orleans Public Housing Units to be Destroyed as 200,000+ Low-Income Residents Remain Displaced
…Last week, Federal housing officials announced that more than 5,000 public housing units for the poor were to be demolished even though tens of thousands of low-income residents remain displaced. On Saturday, public housing residents and advocates protested the decision by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and vowed to use any means necessary to stop the bulldozing of their apartments.

Like Iraq, New Orelans is envisioned as a show-place for the glories of privatization. It’s like a fantasy-land for the economic ‘shock therapists’: the public infrastructure is already smashed, so they can move right on in.

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