Residents Struggle to Survive, In and Out of Ramadi
…A week spent in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province west of Baghdad, reveals that residents are suffering from lack of water, electricity, cooking gas and medical supplies for the hospitals. The streets are eerily empty, and it appears that many people have now left the city, although possibly as many as 150,000 still remain in their homes, either because they are too afraid to leave or they have nowhere to go.
“We will survive anyway,” Um Qassim, a middle-aged housewife with six children, told IPS. “It is Allah who gives life and he is the only one able to take it away.”
Despite the horrible conditions here, with armed resistance groups controlling vast swathes of the city, and other areas subject to frequent shooting from U.S. snipers on the rooftops of houses, she said that people should be grateful to their god whatever happens to them, adding, “Those Americans will leave.”