Manufacturing Consent for Corporate Wars in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

The reality behind the distorted version we generally receive, via the authorities and via the media, of U.S. war games and aggression is completely hidden in the massive rewriting of history. The true reasons for the war games before and while they are enacted is not for the people to see. The reality is that the United States has been heading in one direction only, for well over a century, that direction being a consolidation of power and world domination through whatever means are available, through lies and distortions, insidious propaganda and the shrill denunciation of ‘unpatriotic’ individuals. In fact, all independently thinking people are unpatriotic according to the powers that be.

The U.S. politicians and historians have always been superbly qualified to invent ‘acceptable’ pretexts for invading and killing civilians and rebels in countries that didn’t live up to the norms of desired cooperation with the United States. Which is to say that the countries that did not willingly let themselves be subjected to U.S. domination, to a subordinate role in the commercial dealings with ‘the greatest democracy in the world’, had to put up with the dire consequences of their insubordination. They either got invaded or they were forced to toe the line.

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