Here come ‘Human Rights’: every man for himself!
Whenever I hear talk of ‘human rights’, I reach for my gun. No, dear new global democrats, don’t worry: there is no dangerous ‘Nazi’ that wants to shoot at your humanitarian holy card. It is because there are too many who, having heard ‘human rights’ invoked on their own skin, they prick up their ears and are ready with the barrel loaded after having come to know them. Three populations taken ‘at random,’ from the list of the most famous bad guys of the world: the Serbs, the Iraqis and the Cubans, who resist the assault of ‘human rights’, but who are certainly not willing to label themselves en bloc as ‘Nazis.’ These three peoples have never spoken nonsense regarding ‘human rights’ for hours and hours. They had them or they still have them, it was a real life experience, therefore, they didn’t need to waste their breath over them. Free education, from nursery school to the specialisation courses in university, free health services from aspirin to transplants, rights to a house and to a job. Seems like nothing: knowledge, health, home and work. Curiously, in all of the ‘Rogue States’ these ‘rights’ are guaranteed. They are the same ones that transmit trust in the future and safeguard the reproduction instinct.
But if you think that someone is going to explain in detail what these ‘human rights’ are by talking about education, health, homes and work, well then, you haven’t understood anything about ‘human rights’. ‘Human rights’ in the minds of the dull masses, are not those things that guarantee the rights of a collective group of people, but they are rather tied to individualistic instances, or to their degeneration to narcissistic ones, congenial to the society that ‘produces, consumes and then dies.’ Here are a few of them: the right to speak your mind (even on things that you are absolutely incompetent on and however these thoughts having a low distribution, limited to the old, dear cyclostyled pamphlets or internet lists that only a handful of people actually read), the right to ‘express’ always and everywhere one’s ‘real self,’ including the ‘sexual preferences’ (paraded beyond limits of decency and mental stability for our children), the right to the ‘free market business,’ that is, drowning in luxury and skinning your neighbour just as long as you come out first, straight up to the right to carry a gun, in full cowboy style!