Court to Weigh Race as Factor in School Rolls

…The Louisville case was taken to the Supreme Court by Crystal D. Meredith, a white parent whose son, Joshua McDonald, did not receive a requested transfer to attend kindergarten in a school that was trying to maintain a sufficient number of black students.

The plan in Seattle, which has struggled for decades to deal with the effects on its school system of segregated housing patterns, applies only to the city’s 10 high schools. The policy is one of “open choice,” subject to various “tiebreakers,” one of which is race. Other factors include geographic proximity and whether a student has a sibling at the desired school, both of which count in favor of an application.

Under the “integration tiebreaker,” high schools that deviate by more than 15 percent from the systemwide balance, which is 60 percent nonwhite, must take account of an applicant’s race in order not to deviate further.

This is what the idea of school desgregation has come to: white parents getting a hearing in the Supreme Court because their little Johnny doesn’t get to go where he wants.

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