Israeli generals mull massive operation in West Bank

Israeli army generals have been calling for massive raids and operations in the West Bank in a bid to destroy militants infrastructure there before Israel’s further pullout from the region, Israel’s Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday.

Dangerous dirty tricks in Palestine
…The reality behind the referendum threat is that Abbas and his allies inside and outside the country are looking for a way to undermine Hamas’ legitimacy which was won fair and square at the ballot box. It would appear that the plan is to call a referendum on an uncontroversial issue — given the broad Palestinian consensus in favor of the two-state solution — and then if it passes by the expected large majority, claim that this is specifically an endorsment of Abbas and his discredited faction, and a rejection of Hamas. If the Hamas-led authority tries to prevent the referendum, Abbas may use this as a pretext to dissolve the legislative council and declare an “emergency” or call new elections which Fatah would make sure to win.

The great divide
…Under the shadow of Blackpool’s famous tower, lecturers voted for a motion condemning “continuing Israeli apartheid policies, including construction of the exclusion wall, and discriminatory educational practices”, and called for a boycott of any Israeli academics who did not dissociate themselves from their government’s policy in the occupied territories.

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