Israel seeks funds for separate Arab roads

by Chris McGreal

Israel is pressing foreign donors to finance the construction of a web of roads through the occupied territories – made necessary by the building of the vast “security” barrier and Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

The Israeli government seeks foreign funding to upgrade the back roads that Palestinians are forced to use – after being banned from routes used by Jewish settlers.
It also wants funding to build new roads which take account of the barrier and its settlements. The plan envisages roads that would run parallel to each other – one for Jews, the other for Arabs.

European donors have recoiled from the proposal, in part because they are concerned that funding the new roads will breach July’s International Court of Justice ruling against support for construction of the barrier. The court said it should be torn down because it breaches the Geneva conventions.

But diplomats say the US may be more willing to pay…

Full Article: Guardian UK

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