Falluja bomb kills 7 U.S. troops

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — The U.S. military command in Baghdad has confirmed that seven Marines and three Iraqi guardsmen were killed in a car bomb in Falluja.

The attack occurred late Monday morning on the outskirts of the city.

The explosions sent the engine from the car used in the bombing “a good distance” from the site, AP quoted a military official as saying on condition of anonymity.

Two Humvees were destroyed in the attack, AP reported witnesses as saying.

U.S. forces have not patrolled inside Fallujah since April, when U.S. Marines ended a three-week siege, AP said. The city has since fallen into the hands of insurgents who have used it as a base to manufacture car bombs and launch attacks on U.S. and Iraqi government forces.

Full Article: cnn.com

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