Bush’s wants to jail reporters who caught him breaking the law

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says the Bush administration may prosecute New York Times reporters who wrote about the NSA’s spying on Americans, which means Bush can break the law by ordering the spying but he wants to prosecute reporters who caught him breaking the law.

Can a blowjob save America?
At lunch the other day, a relatively-refined female friend blurted out: “I wish somebody would catch George W. Bush getting a blowjob from an intern so we could impeach him.”

Kind of says a lot about where this country is headed. We can impeach a President for cheating on his wife and then lying about it but we can’t seem to do a damn thing about one who lies, spies on Americans without legal authority, consistently abuses the power of his office and sends thousands of Americans to die in a baseless invasion founded on deceit.

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