US seeks ‘coalition’ to force Zimbabwe regime change

Independent UK
The United States has called for the building of a “coalition of the willing” to push for regime change to end the crisis in Zimbabwe. The new American ambassador to South Africa, Jendayi Frazer, said quiet diplomacy pursued by South Africa and other African countries in its dealings with the Zimbabwe president needed a review because there was no evidence it was working. She said her country would be willing to be part of a coalition if invited.

The US could not act on its own, “put the boot on the ground” and give President Robert Mugabe 48 hours to go as requested by beleaguered Zimbaweans but the US would be willing to work in a coalition with other countries to return Zimbabwe to democracy.

Ms Frazer, in a meeting with journalists in Johannesburg yesterday, said: “There is clearly a crisis in Zimbabwe and everyone needs to state that fact. The economy is in a free fall. There is a continuing repressive environment. There needs to be a return to democracy.”

She said the US believed that South Africa could play a positive role in returning Zimbabwe to democracy and that it had the means to do so. “It [South Africa] has the most leverage probably of any other country in the sub-region and should therefore take a leadership role,” said Ms Frazer, a protege of President George Bush’s national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. full article

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