Iran pursues 2d nuclear reactor with Russia’s help

Boston Globe Full Article
TEHRAN — Iran said yesterday that it plans to build a second nuclear reactor with Russia’s help and that at least two other European states have expressed interest in such a project, brushing aside US accusations that the Islamic state wants to build atomic weapons.

Russia is building Iran’s first nuclear reactor, which was begun by West Germany but interrupted during the 1979 Islamic revolution. Damage caused to the nearly completed facility in Bushehr during Iran’s 1980-88 war with Iraq also led to the postponement of its planned inauguration from 2003 to August 2006.

Despite the delays and the project’s $800 million cost, Iranian nuclear officials say they want Russia to build more nuclear reactors to help generate greater amounts of electricity.

The comments yesterday reflect Iran’s determination to push ahead with its nuclear program despite US and international concerns that it seeks to develop nuclear weapons.

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