Rice shrugs off UK visit protests

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said she is not troubled by noisy protests against her current UK visit.
“I find them an exercise in democracy, I find them not in any way off-putting or disconcerting,” she said, on a visit to the north-west town of Blackburn.

Angry demonstrators could be heard as Ms Rice held a joint press conference with her UK counterpart Jack Straw.

The secretary of state spoke after having held what she said were positive talks with local Muslim leaders.

About 200 noisy demonstrators – some of whom carried a coffin draped with a US flag – were gathered outside the town hall where Ms Rice and Mr Straw spoke to reporters.

Asked if she had been embarrassed by the protests which have followed her around on her two-day visit, Ms Rice said she respected the demonstrators’ right to protest.

“Democracy is the only system that allows people to be heard and be heard peacefully,” she said.

“When there are more places where people’s voices can be heard peacefully, especially in the Middle East, we are all going to be better off.”

translation: Scream your heads off all you want. We are the masters of the universe.

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