Government cracks down on dissent in name of ‘anti-terrorism’

Two releases of local law enforcement files in recent days have shed new light on just how far the Bush administration, federal, and local law enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 9-11.

The first case was in Pittsburgh, where a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union yielded the revelation that from 2002, when opposition to an invasion of Iraq began in earnest, right through at least until the final, heavily redacted document from 2005, law enforcement officials investigated, monitored, harassed, and infiltrated activists from Pittsburgh’s Thomas Merton Center. Merton was a renowned Catholic theologian and pacifist who fiercely opposed the Vietnam War and all wars, and his namesake descendants apply the same beliefs to Iraq.

As the released documents make clear, that, and only that, was why they became targets: because they opposed the war in Iraq. An FBI document from 2002 notes that the center is “a left-wing organization advocating, among many political causes, pacifism.” Pacifism! Egads! Aside from the fact that pacifism is a set of personal moral beliefs — not a “political cause” — is pacifism, in our militarized 21st Century America, the new Red Scare? Seems so. Just ask the Quakers.

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