New York lockdown

Guardian UK
If you’re a delegate attending the Republican national convention at Madison Square Garden later this month, Jamie Moran knows where you’re staying. He knows where you’re eating and what Broadway musical you plan on seeing. For the past nine months, Moran has been living off savings earned as an office manager at a nonprofit and working full-time to disrupt the RNC.

His small anarchist collective,, runs a snitch line and an email account where disgruntled employees of New York hotels, the Garden and the Republican party itself can pass on information about conventioneers. So far, the collective has received dozens of phone calls and hundreds of emails with inside dirt on GOP activities.

Recently, a woman with a polished, middle-aged sounding voice left a message saying, “For some God-unknown reason I’m on the Republican mailing list, and they sent me what they call a list of their inner-circle events.” The events hadn’t been publicised elsewhere, she said, and she wanted to fax the list to Moran.

Moran feeds information like this to a cadre of activists desperate to unleash four years’ worth of anger at the Bush administration. By dogging the delegates wherever they go, RNC Not Welcome hopes to make the Republicans’ lives hell for as long as they’re in New York.

“We want to make their stay here as miserable as possible,” says Moran, who has sandy hair, a snub nose and a goatee. The son of a retired Queens cop, he’s 30 but looks younger. “I’d like to see all the Republican events – teas, backslapping lunches – disrupted. I’d like to see people from other states following their delegates, letting them know what they think about Republican policies. I’d like to see impromptu street parties and marches. I’d like to see corporations involved in the Iraq reconstruction get targeted – anything from occupation to property destruction.”

There’s a showdown coming to Manhattan. Backed by the most intense security the city has ever seen, the Republicans are about to turn the blue-state bastion of New York City into the backdrop for George Bush’s coronation. The RNC chose New York because it was the site of the September 11 terror attacks, which to Bush’s opponents and even some ordinary New Yorkers seems a brazen provocation.

On one side are 36,000 cops – a force that city councilman Peter Vallone Jr calls “perhaps the world’s 10-largest standing army”. On the other side are at least 250,000 protesters expected to converge on the city from all across the United States and Canada – a demonstration six times larger than the legendary antiglobalisation protests that rocked Seattle in 1999. They’re facing off at a time when police are increasingly adopting military tactics in response to protest, and protesters are responding likewise, conducting their own reconnaissance on Republican plans and plotting actions designed to hit where the cops are weakest. full article

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