Army Rehires CACI for Interrogations

Guardian UK
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Army has rehired CACI International Inc. on a short-term contract to assist in interrogations and other intelligence-gathering activities in Iraq.

Its previous contract, with the Interior Department, has been declared improper by that department’s inspector general. It was determined that although the original contract was for information technology services, Arlington, Va.-based CACI instead was conducting intelligence operations.

The finding prompted the Army to hire CACI under a new $15 million agreement announced this week. The new contract is good until the end of November; the Army will put those services out to bid in December, officials said.

One of CACI’s interrogators, Steven Stefanowicz, was singled out in the investigation by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba as contributing to the prison abuse at Abu Ghraib by allowing or instructing military police “to facilitate interrogations by ‘setting conditions’ which were not authorized.”

Other Army officials have said they were satisfied with CACI’s performance.

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