A.C.L.U. Board Is Split Over Terror Watch Lists
by Adam Liptak New York Times
The American Civil Liberties Union is in turmoil over a promise it made to the government that it would not knowingly hire people whose names appear on watch lists of suspected supporters of terrorism. Those lists are the very type it has strongly opposed in other contexts.
In April, for instance, the group filed suit to block the use of “no fly” lists of people barred from air travel or subject to heightened scrutiny, saying the lists were often inaccurate and violated the constitutional rights of some people.
The group made the promise not to employ people it knew to be on similar terrorism lists so that it could continue participating in a program that allows federal employees to make charitable contributions through payroll deductions. full article
Sunday Aug. 1
Well I guess this story from the Times made the ACLU change its mind. They are unsigning their agreement with the feds to check watch lists. I heard exec. dir. Romero on the radio this morning all worked up in a moral outrage that non-profits were expected to comply with an agreement they had SIGNED. Well if these are the watchdog lawyers tending the people’s civil rights, signing an agreement to check watch lists if it means $ to them, while they are challenging the feds on watch lists in court…