Saddam’s ‘Stroke’

by Gary JonesUK Mirror
SADDAM Hussein has suffered a minor stroke and could die before his trial, his defence lawyers claim.

The multinational legal team is still awaiting permission to visit the deposed Iraqi ruler.

A letter demanding their doctor be given access to the former dictator was yesterday sent by Jordanian lawyer Mohammed al-Rashdan to Salem Chalebi, the head of the Iraqi prosecuting authorities.

Mr al-Rashdan said: “Our information is that he’s in very poor health. We understand from the International Committee of the Red Cross that our client has had a brain scan to discover how badly he has been affected by the stroke. We believe he could die because of his health problems.

“We also think an attempt may be made on his life.

“We’re very worried that we won’t have a client to defend.” He added: “Under the Geneva Convention we’re entitled to have access to our client. But all our requests have been ignored.”

In a form letter delivered by the Red Cross in January to his wife Sajida, living in Qatar, Saddam put a cross in boxes for “good health” and “slightly wounded”.

“His finger appears to have been wounded, possibly by gunshot, when he was captured,” said Mr Rashdan. “But we believe his health has deteriorated.

“We believe any trial could be months, if not years away – I think Bush and Blair would be happier if he died from ill health.”

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