Sudan Arabs Attack U.S. Stand on Darfur ‘Genocide’*

by Nima Elbagir Reuters
KHARTOUM (Reuters) – Sudanese Arabs on Friday attacked a U.S. congressional resolution describing atrocities in Darfur as “genocide,” while people driven from their homes asked how Washington could make it safe for them to return.

“The international concern over Darfur is actually a targeting of the Islamic state in Sudan,” Sudan President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, not commenting directly on the resolution, told a public meeting after Friday prayers south of Khartoum.

In Khartoum, 34-year-old driver Ismail Gasmalseed said: “Is Iraq not enough? Do they want to destroy us too? …America wants everyone who is Arab to pay. They do not understand anything.” full article
Isn’t it grand when genocidal thugs are able to take the moral high ground?

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